Imagine a country where there are no borders or walls, and foreigners, minorities and the poor are cared for and treated with dignity. The citizens, though diverse, are all aligned on a common goal, and every single citizen wants to be there; the desire to be there is a requirement of citizenship that is tested daily. Surrounding countries are at war with this country, but there are no borders at all, so the main mission of the ministry of defense is to broadcast an invitation of immigration and citizenship to the non-citizens. In this country, taxes are voluntary because every citizen is also at least a part-time member of the government, carrying out the various works of what is required to build the country and keep it working, and there are very few full-time government workers, the knights and handmaids. In this country, the leader is not elected, but is a king, but not the evil, tyrannical kind of king that is corrupted by power like you read about in stories. He is a good king who truly cares for each of the citizens. He is such an amazing king that the citizens meet with him daily to stay aligned with his vision for the country and to deepen their friendship with him. It is a country powered by love and in thousands of years, no enemy has ever overthrown it.
The enemy countries spend their time trying to convince the citizens that the country doesn't exist, and that the enemy is really in control, and that they should spend their time on transient, petty worries. The citizens hear what the enemy is saying, but it mostly is a muted, dull background noise since they are so focused on their own country and their own king. Occasionally, a citizen will be lulled into the lies of the enemy and shift their focus things of little worth, but they come back around and are reunited with the king and the vision soon enough through a process of healing that is available regularly.
Would you like to be a citizen of this country?
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